Welcome to Real Consulting Risk Analysis, Quantification and Decision Analysis About Us

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market funding.
Without consulting, plans stay as plans. Asia's leading risk management specialists trusted by major companies to provide the best advice to help them plan ahead. View services Prosper in this volatile
market funding.
Without consulting, plans stay as plans. View services
We promise to provide your company with the most accurate forecasting information to inform you of the choices that will enable your business to flourish.

At every step, we provide clients with valuable information about quantitative risks and how they can be managed strategically. Our technologies calculate accurate values for risks and strategies, giving your business the power to:

  • Make strategic investments to expand production (option to expand)
  • Optimize timing of decision-making (option to wait)
  • Acquire rights (option to buy)
  • Make multi-phased investments in R&D and M&A (compound option)
  • Formulate exit strategies (option to contract out or to abandon)
  • Obtain production flexibility (option to switch)
  • Grant buyer's rights (obligation to buy)
  • Rank and allocate capital to investments (optimization)


To review means to look back over something for evaluation or memory.

It’s always a joy to hear that the work I do has positively impacted our clients and that they are happy to share their experience.

Real Consulting has the proven expertise and experience to analyse risks and manage them to your best advantage.

By combining our risk expertise with our full range of actuarial and investment advisory services, we are able to provide your business with the information it needs to get the most out of the future. Expert risk management can make the difference between capitalising on a risky opportunity and avoiding a catastrophe.

Get in touch for any kind of help and informations

We’re glad to discuss your organisation’s situation. So please contact us via the details below, or enter your request.

Our asian office address:

Hong Kong
Real Actuarial Consulting Ltd. Flat C, 3/F, Block 3, Tai Ping Industrial Centre, 53 Ting Kok Road , Taipo, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 3568 - 5747

Real Options Consulting Lt d. 104, No.1, Lane 28 Binyang R oa d, Xuhui District, Shanghai, China

R-Gene Analytics KK Unit 612, Hiragishi 2 Jo, 13 chome 3 14, Toyohira ku, Sapporo , Hokkaido, Japan

    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

    Melbourne, Australia
    (Sat - Thursday)
    (10am - 05 pm)